You’re Invited to Celebrate Christmas with Sutton Salvation Army Church
We invite you to join us in celebrating the true meaning of Christmas at Sutton Salvation Army Church. Our church is a place of love, joy, and community, and we believe that Christmas is a time to share these values with others
Advent is more than just twinkly lights and carols; it’s a time for the church to actively remember God’s promises to the world. It’s about remembering the day when God put on flesh and dwelt among us, when heaven and earth collided in the person of Jesus. We look back to that first arrival, but we also look forward in eager anticipation of his promised return, when all things will be made new. So Advent is a season of both remembering and hoping, of celebrating the “already” and yearning for the “not yet.” It’s a time to prepare our hearts for the king who comes not in earthly power, but in humility, peace and love.
Our Advent series this year will explore the Women of the Nativity. Instead of the traditional telling, we will reimagine the nativity through the eyes of women, both those named in the Bible’s account of and those whose presence is implied. This series gives voice to those who are often overlooked in the usual accounts of Christmas, and encourages us to do the same in the world we live in today.
We hope that this Christmas will be a time of joy and peace for you and your family. We also hope that you will be inspired to share the love of Christ with others.
You’re invited to any or all of the Christmas events happening at our church building or nearby.
Our Christmas Events
All events are at our church building unless otherwise noted. Our address is 45 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, SM1 4DD
Sunday 1st December
>10:30am Giving Service
A Sunday morning service to start Advent & when all are invited to bring gifts for children in need in our community.
Find out more about our Gift Appeal by clicking here.
> 4 – 5:30pm A Time to Remember
A safe space to share and reflect, for all who have been bereaved, to remember & celebrate loved ones. Refreshments provided. Registration helpful.
Registration helpful – click here
Sunday 8th December
> 10:30am Advent Service
A Sunday morning service, continuing our celebration of Advent, focusing especially on the Women of the Nativity.
> 5 – 8:00pm 12+ Youth Christmas Party
A Christmas celebration for young people aged 12 or older.
Registration needed – click here
Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th December
> 9:30am Toddler Time Christmas Parties
Two Christmas celebrations for Toddlers and their caregivers, who attend our weekly Toddler Time gatherings.
Registration needed via usual Toddler Registration – click here
Thursday 12th December
> 2 – 2:45pm Carol Service
Led by Sutton High Junior School, this gathering is an invitation to everyone to join in singing carols & celebrating Christmas.
Saturday 14th December
> 10:00am Carolling in the High St
Volunteer musicians & greeters welcome to join our band & team who will greet people in Sutton High Street.
Sunday 15th December
> 10:30am Community Carol Service
A community carol service, with a children’s nativity, open to all.
Wednesday 18th December
> 7 – 8:00pm Advent Jazz Vespers
A reflective Christmas experience, using Jazz music to engage with the story & truth of Christmas. Refreshments served from 6:45pm.
Thursday 19th December
> 12 – 2pm Community Christmas Lunch
A celebratory Christmas Lunch for our senior community choir, Home League & Coffee House regulars, to celebrate Christmas together.
Registration needed via Church office.
Friday 20th December
> 5 – 7:30pm A KAOS Christmas
A Christmas Nativity Escape Room experience & sweet treats, for young people aged 7-11 years old.
Registration Needed – Click Here.
Saturday 21st December
> 10:00am Carolling in the High St
Volunteer musicians & greeters welcome to join our band & team who will greet people in Sutton High Street.
Sunday 22nd December (No Morning Service)
> 3-4pm Carshalton Carols on the Green
An outdoor community celebration with carols on request, refreshments & kids activities on Wrythe Green (Green Wrythe Lane, SM5 2DW)
> 5-6pm Carols by Candlelight
A reflective Christmas service, in a candle-lit atmosphere.
Wednesday 25th December
>10:30am Christmas Day Service
An informal and shorter, Christmas day gathering to celebrate together.
Wishing you a very happy and deeply meaningful Christmas.
You can download a summary poster for all events via the link below